
Welcome, To the real World!

  • حجر رشيد

    لكن ما فائدة رجوع قطعة – مهما كانت أهميتها – وهناك آلاف مؤلفة من القطع تخرج من البلاد بصور غير شرعية؟   بالرغم من خساسة الأمر والمشاعر المختلطة، مقدرش الوم شخص أو اشخاص بيبحثوا عن طريقة للثراء السريع عن طريق بيع اثار وتاريخ بلدهم بسبب جهلهم وفقرهم (بعيدا عن العصابات اللي الموضوع تعدي الفقر معاهم)…

  • Mind uploading

     we can not transfer our consciousness to computers..yet. this dream, portrayed in several novels, shows, and movies, but not yet possible. from my pov, it’s already here. i have been doing it for as long as i remember now. ever since my first touch of a computer keyboard. if this was a video and you…

  • Introduce yourself

     Joining “NetworkChunk”  discord server, there was a channel for introducing yourself. I began writing and it turned out to be a short story that i can’t even message in the channel anymore 🙂  Hello guys, I don’t know if its really necessary for me to do that (introducing myself, because I don’t think it would…

  • Thank you, Roman Atwood!

     I don’t know why I would write this or even what I would write. I have been watching Roman Atwood vlogs for some time now. I didn’t watch from the beginning, but I caught the vlogs one time, and I was hooked ever since. I still remember the first vlog I saw. I remember the…

  • Unorganized Thoughts

     This post’s privacy is set for certain people only. It might be a long one, I can’t tell since I think I will be writing it on multiple times.. Life is not easy. Life isn’t fair.. I don’t even think I’m going to post this post, but I have to get it out, even if…

  • Master Piece

    i used to admire girls as i considered them art…their looks, curves, and emotions. since my eyes got a whiff of you…you are the only master piece that can truly be called art..my master piece.