Who am I?

I can’t tell you what or who I am. I have been living most of my life trying to find names and adjectives and blocks to lock my self in them, but not any more.
I can’t tell you what or who I am, but I can tell you what I do, what I love, and what i believe.

I love designing, programming, writing, photographing, reading, hacking, and learning new stuff.
I like to camp, hike, travel, dive, snorkel, and I like sitting for hours in front of my computer screen or for that matter, computers screens.

I like to meet new people, but I like to stay alone for a while. I may spend a day laying in my bed, others will stay in the streets for 22 hours of the day. Sometimes I sleep for 4 hours, sometimes I sleep for 17.

I may read science fiction, but I like to read about history. I might look interested in art, but I like science all the same.
I may look without religion, but I believe in God, I just don’t believe in people. One God for all people no matter how they choose to worship.

I think there are differences between races, but I strongly believe that those differences are what makes us all equal. We all have the same rights. I don’t believe in borders that we created. The world is my country.

I strongly appreciate all cultures. All ways of worshiping. All ways of thinking. I don’t hate even the ones who might hate me, but I get upset and sometimes mad. I may treat people in a way they find offensive or not right, but I never intend any wrong.

I am always thinking about my opinions even if I have a strong opinion I always rethink it however it might not seem like I do.

I always judge people by look, thoughts, and the way they act, but I never treat them any different. I believe I have the right to judge, but I don’t give my self the right to be always right about people and will always treat them based on that we are all the same.

I don’t always appeal to new people. I might look like an arrogant shit head when you first know me, but I am not when you get to know me.

I have been told -and I don’t mind it- that i treat animals better than i treat people. I have a strong respect for animals.. all kinds of animals and I will always do.

I don’t always speak my mind, but when I do, I don’t beautify my words. I don’t like voice calls so I always dislike talking over the phone. I am more an e-mail, sms, and im guy.

I never wanted to hurt anybody, although i might have did. I can only say that I didn’t mean any harm in any way.

I am very moody which a lot of people wouldn’t understand…

I don’t want to know who I am.. I just want to be it.