Unveiling Scrollodoro: The Pomodoro Timer with a Creative Twist

In the world of productivity tools, Pomodoro timers have become a go-to for managing work sessions effectively. However, many users find the standard timers somewhat mundane, leading to a drop in motivation over time. Enter Scrollodoro, a novel take on the classic Pomodoro timer that not only keeps you on track with your tasks but also injects a dose of fun into your work routine. Try it now Scrollodoro The current version is intended to run on a desktop screen, with the possibility of adding custom time settings in the future. For now, simply focus on your task while also taking a moment to relax. 🙂 The idea behind this timer is to use different layers at random to create various scenes, inspired by side-scrolling games. This project was heavily inspired by DevDuck, specifically this vlog: I highly recommend watching his vlogs if you’re interested in game development or programming in general. If you’d like to contribute your art or have any suggestions, feel free to reach out. This is still a work in progress. Let’s dive into what Scrollodoro is, how it works, and the technical craftsmanship that brings it to life. What is Scrollodoro? Scrollodoro is a web-based […]

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Unveiling Scrollodoro: The Pomodoro Timer with a Creative Twist

حجر رشيد

لكن ما فائدة رجوع قطعة – مهما كانت أهميتها – وهناك آلاف مؤلفة من القطع تخرج من البلاد بصور غير شرعية؟ بالرغم من خساسة الأمر والمشاعر المختلطة، مقدرش الوم شخص أو اشخاص بيبحثوا عن طريقة للثراء السريع عن طريق بيع اثار وتاريخ بلدهم بسبب جهلهم وفقرهم (بعيدا عن العصابات اللي الموضوع تعدي الفقر معاهم) ودائما هاتفضل أزمة في مصر في ظل انعدام التعليم والوطنية والاهتمام بالتاريخ والمحافظة علي الاثار. إضافة الي ذلك، مئات والاف القطع اللي خرجت في فترة الاستعمار تحت ظل القانون والتشريعات الظالمة واللي اعطت الصفة القانونية لخروج اجمل القطع المستكشفة والتي تملئ المتاحف العالمية. أحب ان انوه الي كتاب “سرقات مشروعة” بقلم المستشار أشرف العشماوي واللي كان من ضمن لجنة بتحاول تتبع و استرجاع القطع المسلوبة الي خارج مصر…مع نجاحهم في استرجاع الكثير من القطع الفريدة التي خرجت من مصر بصور غير شرعية. فائدة رجوع قطعة هو بمثابة التركيز علي هدف معين وحيد وهو استرجاع القطع المسلوبة من مصر و من جميع الدول التي نهبها الاستعمار ويتفاخرون بعرضها في متاحفهم بدون ان يشعروا بخسىة تاريخهم المبني علي السرقة والنهب والاستعباد. حجر رشيد قطعة مهمة سواء تاريخيا أو كمصدر لجلب السياحة. فحجر رشيد هو اساس ومفتاح التعرف علي اللغة الهيروغليفية وسلب من مصر بطريقة علنية ويتفاخرون بعرضه في […]

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حجر رشيد

Mind uploading

 we can not transfer our consciousness to computers..yet. this dream, portrayed in several novels, shows, and movies, but not yet possible. from my pov, it’s already here. i have been doing it for as long as i remember now. ever since my first touch of a computer keyboard. if this was a video and you were hearing my voice over old footage of a kid in front of an off-white CRT monitor and an off-white case with green, oval shaped buttons and an equally matching off-white keyboard and mouse..there would be a sound in the background. dial-up modem noise. Back then, mice were like actual pets. You had to take care of them. Clean them, pet them..anyway..back to the main topic i guess. Since those early days, since my first chats using mIRC, countless ICQ accounts that i never got to memorize their numbers, MSN and yahoo! messengers, and Paltalk..there was part of me left online..forever..somewhere. Every post and reply on vBulletin pr php forum. Even so, every forum I created…downloaded, configured, uploaded, then installed. Part of me was uploaded and installed with them. Can I even remember all the accounts I have created over the years? Usernames? Emails? How […]

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Mind uploading

Introduce yourself

 Joining “NetworkChunk”  discord server, there was a channel for introducing yourself. I began writing and it turned out to be a short story that i can’t even message in the channel anymore 🙂  Hello guys, I don’t know if its really necessary for me to do that (introducing myself, because I don’t think it would matter much) but I guess I am doing it for me 🙂 so, I am from Giza, Egypt and my name is Mohamed (like the other 90% in the Egypt) and here is how things got crazy. I have been into computers and technology all my life. Maybe it’s the idea of spending hours alone trying to figure something out…it’s the “what if” that drives us I believe. Can I call myself a nerdy geek? Because I think that is what I am. I would spend hours reading books, learning about astronomy and making chemistry experiments (and getting yelled at when I turn the air white in the house)…any way, a big reason was my dad as he liked technology and was very interested in getting a computer early on after I was born (I am almost 30 now) so back then, it wasn’t as […]

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Introduce yourself

Thank you, Roman Atwood!

 I don’t know why I would write this or even what I would write. I have been watching Roman Atwood vlogs for some time now. I didn’t watch from the beginning, but I caught the vlogs one time, and I was hooked ever since. I still remember the first vlog I saw. I remember the thumbnail.  “Sexy little island”? Sounds interesting to me as I was probably watching too many sailing videos at that time I thought it would be related to this. Luckily, no it wasn’t. It was the Atwood’s on vacation. I didn’t stop the video…I just kept watching, and I have been watching approximately every day he uploaded and every day when the daily vlogs started. I like the family man. The person I caught in time when he was transitioning from being a big kid (we are all still big kids really) to a more settled down, family loving, responsible person. Over the years, I fell in love with the entire family. I felt everything with them. Enjoyed traveling with them. Enjoyed the goofy time and the couch sitting all day. I enjoyed watching every day mostly while having dinner. I feel down? Then I watch […]

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Thank you, Roman Atwood!

Unorganized Thoughts

 This post’s privacy is set for certain people only. It might be a long one, I can’t tell since I think I will be writing it on multiple times.. Life is not easy. Life isn’t fair.. I don’t even think I’m going to post this post, but I have to get it out, even if no one will ever see it. Most of you might not know all of this about me, some will. To get this whole thing cleared right away… I need to further improve my quality of life, self ambition, and life status. Life is short and I know I will leave it sooner than later as a feeling not a fact. I have been both blessed and cursed at the same time with certain overview knowledge and skills than average, however I might not exceed in any of them, or at least can’t concentrate on only one. The Corona hit the world hard and with it definitely hit me hard giving the timing in which I picked to evolve into a married man. Living the rest of my life with the one I truly love is priceless and very precious. Life was hard as it’s. It’s […]

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Unorganized Thoughts

الدعاء بالشر

فكرة الدعاء علي اي حد بالشر بالنسبة لي فكرة غريبة. كتبت قبل كدة عنها https://blog.mohamedation.com/2012/03/15/%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%af%d8%b9%d8%a7%d8%a1-%d8%a8%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%ae%d9%8a%d8%b1/ وكل فترة بشوف مستوي الكره اللي بنوصله كل يوم. الكراهية اصبحت ركن اساسي وكبير في حياتنا اليومية وتعاملاتنا وتفكيرنا تجاه معظم الناس او المختلفين عنا. والكراهية مع الجهل بتعمل ميكس عظيم. الشيوخ او رجال الدين ايا كانت الديانة، بس المسلمين خاصة علشان دول اللي بحتك بيهم، اكتر ناس الكراهية متوغلة فيهم. اكتر ناس بتدعي علي ناس تانية مش بتدعي ليهم. ولما بيدعوا لحد، بيخصوا الدعاء للمسلمين بس…ماتدعي يا عم للناس كلها ماحدش هاياخد منك فلوس زيادة. ومن أحسن ما يحكي، أن رجلا كان مع بعض الصالحين، فمر علي جماعة يشربون ويغنون. فقال الرجل: ياسيدي، ادع علي هؤلاء المجاهرين بالمنكر. قال الشيخ: اللهم كما فرحتهم في الدنيا، فرحهم في الاخرة! فبهت الرجل. محمد كبريت: الجواهر الثمينة في محاسن المدينة من شجون تراثية – يوسف زيدان […]

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الدعاء بالشر