will I?

what if i had only one day to live? one month? six? one year? what would change? would I start praying? or will I emerge my self in the pleasures of life? will I still go to college? study? or will I just do nothing? will I tell my parents? my friends? my family?.. will I show any signs? or will I carry on my life as normal? will I cry? will I laugh again? will I pick up my camera and look through the view finder once more? will I keep on liking pictures on facebook? or will I deactivate my account? will I care about what is happening in Egypt? or in the world? will I have any hope? .. […]

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will I?


 One of the main facts about loneliness is that you become more attached to other people when you experience a problem or a downtime. On the other hand you may feel quite normal on your own if you had no current problems in your life and you may even enjoy your time alone, this is called the power of solitude. […]

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