
رأيت انه لا يكتب أحد كتابا في يومه، إلا قال في غده: لو غير هذا لكان أحسن، ولو زيد ذاك لكان يستحسن، ولو قدم هذا لكان أفضل، ولو ترك ذاك لكان أجمل. وهذا أعظم العبر، وهو دليل علي استيلاء النقص علي جملة البشر. القاضي البيساني وربما أوجب استقصاؤنا النظر، عدولا عن المشهور والمتعارف. فمن قرع سمعه خلاف ما عهده، فلا يبادرنا بالإنكار. فذلك طيش. فرب شنع حق ومألوف محمود كاذب. والحق حق في نفسه، لا لقول الناس له. ولنذكر قولهم: إذا تساوت الأذهان والهمم، فتأخر كل صناعة خير من متقدمها. ابن النفيس […]

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Not the Lead

The more you accept the fact that you are an extra, not the lead, the more everything will get easier. Actually, everything will disappear. A placeholder. A tooth in a gear that doesn’t work. Every extra wants to be the lead, but its like winning the lottery. Every day, every night, you are just a paragraph in a book. Not living and not dead. Just an extra. […]

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Not the Lead

aggressively, equally.

– I really don’t mind this conversation at all. there is some level of comfort when talking with strangers..kinda liberating. especially on a website like this one. – when i was younger I always thought I will do that and this when I grow up, but sadly, I almost did nothing. I wanted to travel..I did that by luck. I spent a year in the U.S. as an exchange student, and that is more than anyone would’ve dreamed of, but I want more. I want to travel to different countries and experience different cultures. – I didn’t even travel around Egypt for that matter. I have lots to see. DON’T grow up. Do you know the feeling when we were younger and excited about something , we go to sleep so that tomorrow comes faster? now I don’t want to go to sleep because I don’t want to wake up tomorrow, and when I am asleep, I don’t want to wake up because I don’t want the day to start. – I wish I had more time for reading nowadays. and a place for it, too. somewhere cold, overcast, and quiet where I can enjoy a book with hot coffee and the sound […]

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aggressively, equally.

Is OkCupid tricking You into purchasing an A-List?

If You have ever used OkCupid, then it’s almost a certainty that you have encountered this small pop-up in the bottom right corner informing You that someone liked You and even shows you a blurry picture of the secret admirer. However, I’ve noticed that they are always almost -as far as I can see through the blurred picture- perfect headshots, Which is not that weird giving the nature of the site, but it’s not uncommon for a wide range of profile pictures to be of something else like a full body shot (Yeah I am talking about those mirror selfies with the tongue out) and some other not really even related to a person. If you googled around about the fake likes and such, You’ll find a lot of discussions about the bots on the site that wants Your attention for various reasons and that OkCupid is fighting them to some degree, But what if the site itself was using the same method to entice You. After all, they gotta make money. The so called “A-List” has some features that in My opinion are worthless. Even the Premium option isn’t really very attractive. no pun intended. One day I decided […]

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Is OkCupid tricking You into purchasing an A-List?