Inchworms – Day 13

We are getting some action here. so, last night I saw one of the inchworms moving like it was digging in the dirt. its not digging as much as it was moving the dirt around creating some kind of room. Today I saw two of them in the early stage of Pupa stage (because they are still moving) in the big jar, and one looks like its getting started in the second, smaller jar. the inchworms as its known, don’t like the herbs or the plants that don’t have woody stem, but they like this one in the pictures and its nice to give them something I don’t really want in my garden from time to time. I read that the pupa stage takes several weeks. I don’t know if there is anything I can do to help them to transform faster.. temperature or humidity or something.. I don’t know. […]

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Inchworms – Day 13

Inchworms – Day 7

so I don’t know what I would expect, but the big jar is missing a couple of the big ones. in the last post you can really see them in the pictures. one is green and the other is brown. I also found what might be pupa or just rot.. I really don’t know. there is no way that they might have escaped and I have no idea what the pupa should look like or where it might be. only future observations would reveal the truth. I have also read that the colors change depending on the diet and surroundings, but maybe different sp. as well. I have brown, green, and striped and there is no way to know if they are the same or different sp. I have to think about a way to photograph the moths before releasing them. I have no Idea how I might be able to do so. […]

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Inchworms – Day 7

Inchworms – Day 4

So yesterday I collected more inchworms in a bigger jar. I also created this video. in the garden, they really like the leaves of The Japanese Honeysuckle and that is where I find most of them. the brown color and the way they hide within the vines makes it hard to spot them, but once you know what you are looking for its very easy. they produce a lot of feces as you can see in the pictures. they are small ball shaped. […]

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Inchworms – Day 4

Inchworms day 2

I don’t know what they may turn to be, but they must be small moths. I think I might need a bigger habitat and try to collect more inchworms in order to observe, and photograph them better. if I had a macro lens, things would have been much more interesting. the smallest one is the most active one. I observed them this morning and during the day time they are usually attached to the leaves and eating. When I searched the net for how to keep them no one said anything about water. I guess they get it from the leaves so when I put new leaves in I will make sure they are moist. I am thinking about mixing a little bit of water with sugar and wet the dirt and the old leaves a little bit. […]

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Inchworms day 2


I am starting a new project. I am going to try to take care of a number of inchworms and photograph them until they become moths and then will release them. I have no idea what type they are yet and will try to identify the type once I have time. to find more about inchworms and Geometer moth from wikipedia : more links about how you can start your own project and learn more about them : I currently have 3 in the same jar. I will try to put some more in different, bigger habitat and will keep all the information here in the blog under the tag “inchworms project” feel free to contact me for more info or to share your own findings and knowledge. […]

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