Muslims ARE Terrorists.

When non-Muslims, usually the West and Europe, Say that Muslims are Terrorists, They are clearly not thinking right. following the media and easy answers. Just want someone to blame or simply they don’t understand or bother to know more what they are talking about. If I were living among them, I would have thought the same from what I see, hear, or read about everyday. When Muslims and the Arab world defend Islam and say that Muslims are NOT terrorists, They are clearly not thinking right as well. They are fooled by the media and by years of ignorance and hate build. Arab will defend anything they believe in no matter how or why. They won’t even try to understand why they are defending something or why others are attacking it in the first place, thus creating more to be attacked and its an endless cycle involving hate, attacks, and blood. Yes some Muslims are Terrorists, Some are not. Same with any other Religion, Race, Beliefs, and any group of people. and it would be wrong to say that Muslims are terrorists and it would be wrong to say that they are not. Every one with a belief thinks that […]

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Muslims ARE Terrorists.


If I have seen this video a few years ago, I would have probably became mad, cursed, and defended Islam with all my power. I might have even hated the man and his supporters and maybe the west all together. now I understand a little. I am still a Muslim. I believe in one God, All the Prophets and messengers  including the last of them, our beloved Muhammad  and I believe in Judgement day. However, I must understand and admit that many of people whom might understand Islam in their own way have chosen to use anger and force to spread or defend Islam. I must realize that when looking from the other side that it looks very bad. I would have hated and feared Muslims if I were on the other side. We must face our own problems before we fight with other people. We must know that among us are groups who use hate and racism as a fuel to set the world on fire. We must know that no religion should call for hate or killing of innocent people. We should understand each other. Here in Egypt we face the same thing called Islam-phobia and we are faced everyday with the so-called Shiokh or relegious men interpreting […]

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