Migrating from Ubuntu to Fedora

I have been using Ubuntu since 2008. Which is exactly how long I have been using Linux (and aware of it). Back then when I was learning about Linux and all the culture behind the free and open source movement, I found that Ubuntu was (probably still is) one of the best beginner friendly distros if not the best. However, when I started using it back in late 2008, not everything worked on my laptop, most importantly, the wireless adapter. A few google searches later led me to the terminal and some cryptic lines of codes that I had no idea what they would do when entered and wallah, it made it even worse that I had to re-install the OS. That is how I learned how to use Linux. That is what got me into programming, IT. security, and even micro-controllers development boards such as Arduino. Back to the recent time, I have been using Ubuntu as my main desktop’s and laptop’s OS. aside from Kali Linux when working on security stuff and I got very comfortable that I decided to take the next logical step and change distro. The logical step came in the form of Fedora. I […]

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Migrating from Ubuntu to Fedora