Shell Script to post your external IP address to Ubuntu One.

Because I use ssh a lot between my 2 desktops and my laptop (sometimes even mobile phones) and I also don’t have a static IP address, I needed a way to keep updated with my desktop external IP. there is nothing more easier or convenient than shell scripts in Linux. the idea was to get my external IP and then have it delivered to me somehow.. all i could think about was to email it to my self somehow, but then i got this idea to use the script to post the IP to a text file which is located on a shared folder on Ubuntu One so every time I run the script it would get my IP address and then post it to a txt file on Ubuntu One folder that gets updated on the cloud across all connected devices and its accessible from the internet using my account. I wanted to share this simple way i thought of and maybe someone out there would find it helpful. Requirements:- *note that the requirements could be changed if you modified the script with your commands* – lynx web browser which is a text based web browser. more info about it Here. It can be easily installed […]

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Shell Script to post your external IP address to Ubuntu One.