The more you accept the fact that you are an extra, not the lead, the more everything will get easier. Actually, everything will disappear. A placeholder. A tooth in a gear that doesn’t work. Every extra wants to be the lead, but its like winning the lottery. Every day, every night, you are just a paragraph in a book. Not living and not dead. Just an extra. […]
Category: Uncategorized
Overcasts of Apathy

Kill the Hope
have you ever turned your phone off so you would stop hoping it would ring? […]

aggressively, equally.
– I really don’t mind this conversation at all. there is some level of comfort when talking with strangers..kinda liberating. especially on a website like this one. – when i was younger I always thought I will do that and this when I grow up, but sadly, I almost did nothing. I wanted to travel..I did that by luck. I spent a year in the U.S. as an exchange student, and that is more than anyone would’ve dreamed of, but I want more. I want to travel to different countries and experience different cultures. – I didn’t even travel around Egypt for that matter. I have lots to see. DON’T grow up. Do you know the feeling when we were younger and excited about something , we go to sleep so that tomorrow comes faster? now I don’t want to go to sleep because I don’t want to wake up tomorrow, and when I am asleep, I don’t want to wake up because I don’t want the day to start. – I wish I had more time for reading nowadays. and a place for it, too. somewhere cold, overcast, and quiet where I can enjoy a book with hot coffee and the sound […]

the connection, the other pole, the right side of the equation…gone. time has passed for fantasies. good ones at least. maybe not. lies are like gotta keep upping the dose otherwise the reality hits hard. […]
It doesn’t even matter
You Can’t
relationships are like 2 masses in get close super fast that you destroy each other, or leave magnificent craters..or in best case scenario, gravitational slingshot happens and shoots one away from the other. […]